On July 8th, Express in Times Square held an event, which was celebrating the launch of their new denim collection, feauturing Kate Upton. Saucy Glossie (Lindsey Calla) was also at this event and held a contest for one person to meet her and Kate Upton. Unfortunately, I was not the winner. However, my sister and I visited Soho for the day and since we were nearby, we figured we would stop at the event to see if we could get in. Luckily, the security guards let me in, which I couldn't have been happier about. So, I went up the escalator and to my left was a roomful of fashion bloggers, and Kate Upton. I waited on a line to get into the event for a little while, but someone told us that in order to meet Kate, you had to have made a $200 purchase, which I didnt really want to do. So I go off of the line and waited at the door. Luckily, my favorite fashion blogger, Lindsey Calla, came out of the room and I got to meet her for the second time. The first time I met her was at fashion week (below). She is so incredibily amazing and kind, and I was so lucky to have had a long conversation with her. She gave me a lot of good advice and it was an experience I could never forget!
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