Birthday and greeting cards are often one of those last-minute purchases for most of us, due to the fact that we usually give them to people as a side-component of the gift that we are giving. I always get so frustrated at myself when I forget to buy one, because then I have to scramble at the last minute to find one suitable for the occasion I need it for.
If you live in a major city, such as NYC like I do, you know the struggle of leaving enough time to get to places that would be a lot faster to travel to if you had a car.
Up until now, I didn't know how fast and simple purchasing a card for someone could be. In don't even have to leave your apartment, room, or bed for that matter! Paperless Post will become the answer to your last minute card needs, and will save you the stress that you might get from rushing around.
One of the best parts about this service is that you can digitally send it to the recipient, eliminating the need of wasting paper that will most likely be thrown out shortly after opening it. I always feel guilty about throwing away cards because of the heartfelt messages that they contain, but sometimes there is just no way around it, unless you want your house flooded with paper. But with Paperless Post products, you don't have to worry about killing trees since you can send your cards digitally to your loved ones!
With PaperlessPost, you can get really great, well-designed cards, within a minute! Becoming a designer has never been easier; Paperless Post gives you the ability to customize your cards from start to finish. You begin by selecting the category that your card might fall under:
- Holiday
- Birthday
- Wedding
- Parties & Entertainment
- Business
- Cards & Stationary
1) Choose the card's backdrop
2) Create your message!
3) Choose your Envelope Liner!
4) Choose the Envelope's Stamp and Postmark
5) Choose your design for a Reply Card-if necessary!
(This is a great feature if you are sending out event invitations and are expecting written responses back)
6) Send to your Recipient!
I highly recommend trying out this site if you appreciate well-crafted cards , without the hassle of running to a store at the last minute!
This post was published in partnership with Paperless Post
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